

What is coaching?
Although the words coach and coaching are often heard in the last few years, we know from experience that people do not have a clear idea of ​​what it actually represents and means. Coaching is a developmental process that arises from the dialogue between the coach and the client. That dialogue is specific in that the coach asks questions to which the client seeks and finds answers.

The questions are designed in such a way as to encourage the client to think and start the process of developing his own resources and abilities, so from that state, awakened and empowered, the client can now look for the best solution to the situation for which he originally turned to the coach.

The basic idea is that the client already has all the necessary answers within him, and the coach’s role is to by listening carefully, with a completely open heart and mind, without any personal judgment, with constant personal support, help the client to reach them.

Who needs and benefits from coaching?
Coaching can be useful for people of different ages and in all life stages. Bottom the age limit is 10-12 years, while the upper one does not exist. The most common are people who they are in a transitional period of their lives, when it is necessary to adapt to something changes, deal with new challenges, define some goals and make a plan to achieve them to accomplish.

The areas of life that coaching deals with are: relationships: partner, family, parents- children; education; career; life in general: searching for purpose and meaning, moving, finding one’s way some new circumstances; and for me the most important area, health.

Coach is also approached by people who have no problems, who are successful in their work, satisfied with the life they have made, but they simply want to continue working on themselves and know that the coach is the one which can help them discover new opportunities for growth and development.

How does coaching help? Why does coaching give results?
People who decide to turn to a coach are always delighted with the results achieved. Coaching puts absolutely and only the client in the center, during the sessions everything is directed towards the wishes and needs of the client. The coach’s role is to guide the client towards finding his own solutions that are best for him at the given moment by listening, asking specially designed questions and giving feedback.

A coach does not offer ready-made solutions and does not impose his views and opinions, but instead gives tools to the client that encourage him to think, grow and empower him. That is why we say that coaching is a process in which there is no magic wand, which requires honesty and a serious willingness of the client to work on himself. When a client completes a specific cycle of sessions, he is fully equipped with all the necessary skills to face future challenges on his own.

Coaching is not psychotherapy, it does not deal with disorders and deep psychological analyses, but is focused on the present moment, overcoming current challenges and doubt and achieving set goals in the near future.
